April Garden Tips for gardening and landscaping.
Square-foot gardening is great for the rookie gardener. You can purchase “Square Foot Gardening” by Mel Bartholomew at Stoker's Nursery. They also carry the gardening boxes, soil, and seed to get your garden started.
April Garden Tips
ü Take note of the blooming spring bulbs around you and plan your bulb garden now so you’re ready to plant in the fall.
ü Plant gladiolas, lilies and dahlias later this month for beautiful summer color.
ü Transplant, divide and relocate perennials. Water well after transplanting.
ü Fertilize established bulbs with SaveATree liquid organic plant food.
ü Perennials and dormant roses can be planted this month. Hardy annuals such as petunias and pansies can be planted in late April.
ü Apply Fertilome Rose Food w/ Systemic insecticide to roses.
ü Plant dormant potted and bare root trees and shrubs. Fertilize trees and shrubs with Fertilome Tree and Shrub Food or SaveATree.
ü Use Acecap Systemic Implants to help prevent borer damage in aspens, ash and other trees.
ü Spray quaking aspens with Fertilome Systemic Fungicide to prevent fungal leaf spot. Spray when leaves are about the size of a dime.
ü Check poplar, birch and green ash trees for borers. Look for small holes with sawdust coming out of them. Use Acecap Systemic Implants or spray with HiYield Garden , Pet, Livestock and Borer Spray.
ü Prune most trees and shrubs (birch and maple should be pruned in late summer or fall).
ü Rototill your garden plots and amend soil with Soil Pep, Peat Moss, Cocoa Peat or compost.
ü Tomatoes and peppers can be planted by mid-month if Wall-O-Water or Aqua Domes are used to protect them from frost.
ü Peas, carrots, spinach and most other root and leaf crops can be seeded outside in late April.
ü Remove mulch and protective covering placed on plants (including roses) for winter protection last fall.
ü Spray apple and pear trees with Fertilome Fire Blight Spray twice during the blossom period.
ü Start new laws or repair old lawns by over seeding.
ü Apply Natural Guard Soil Activator (humates) to help decompose thatch and “green up” your lawn.
ü Spray dandelions in late April before they start to bloom.
From Ann Workman by e-mail reply:
ReplyDeleteMy whole garden is square foot gardening by this same author. If anyone would like to drop by and see what I have done, they are more then welcome. The way I have done it really has enhance the way my back yard looks. It also makes gardening very easy and takes very little effort to take care of.